Home > St Mary's Church

St Mary's Church

Welcome to St. Mary’s 

Physical services continue. Please see this page for details.

Services for February, please click here

There are also other services across the North Bosmere Benefice every Sunday – everyone is always welcome at any service. All services are on the list above, not just those at St. Mary’s

We continue to meet online for worship and prayer outside of Sundays. To join our on-line services please contact northbosmerebenefice@gmail.com

We also continue to pray for the needs of the moment. Please feel free to contact any member of the ministry team - contact details may be found HERE or in The Recorder and Ten Village News. 


Thank you for your continued support. We are pleased to continue to be able to welcome all into our churches.

Rev Philip


Earl Stonham church is open every day from 10am - 4pm and on Sundays from 12-4pm (to allow for services) and the churchyard is accessible.

More information about St Mary's Church can be found on the St Mary's pages on the Church of England's website A Church Near You