Home > Norwich to Tilbury

Norwich to Tilbury

On these pages you will be able to find information about the National Grid proposals to reinforce the high voltage electricity network from Norwich Main substation in Norfolk, via Bramford substation in Suffolk to Tilbury substation in Essex, as well as a proposed connection substation to connect new offshore wind generation.

You can find more information about the National Grid East Anglia Green proposals on their website.


Key Dates

21 April to 16 June 2022 – non-statutory public consultation
10 April to 26 July 2024 – Statutory public consultation (Extended because of the Election)
December 2024 – Development Consent Order (DCO) Application submission
2025 -2026 – Development Consent Order (DCO) Examination and Decision
2027 – construction starts
2031 – fully operational
There will be a Public Meeting held on the Village Hall on Wednesday 10 July @ 19.00 where residents feed their views in to the Parish Council's draft submission to the consultation.