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Parish council

Scheduled meetings take place on the first Monday of every other month at the Village Hall at 7.30 pm - open to the public. A copy of the Minutes of these meetings can be seen upon request from the Clerk, and on this website.

The next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council is due to be held on - Monday, 4th November 2024 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall (Club Room).




The Parish Clerk

Mrs Jennie Blackburn – 01449 721369 / parishclerk@earlstonham.org.uk

The Parish Councillors

Cllr Mark Gillett - 07984 518959 (Chairman)

Cllr Deb Turner – 01449 711461 (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr Karl Wilkinson – 01449 711320

Cllr Sharon Budd – 01449 711243

Cllr Henry Stanford – 01449 711742

Cllr Michael Mann - 07738 172468

Cllr Sally Baker - 07976 742933

Cllr John Barnet-Lamb - 07907 013850



Click / tap here to send a message to The Parish Clerk

To view our Councillor's Register of Interests - follow link choosing Mid Suffolk, and Earl Stonham in drop down menus:-

Register of Members Interest

The Parish Council’s responsibilities include:

Finance - The Parish Council is responsible for:-

  • the approval and monitoring of Council expenditure;
  • annually analysing future funding requirements and recommending the precept to be raised;
  • arranging insurance of parish property;
  • arranging loans and donations and;
  • other associated activities requiring finance.

Contact: Any Parish Councillor or the Clerk, Mrs Blackburn


The Parish Council receives and considers consultation copies of all Planning Applications relating to the parish. Recommendations from the Council either in support of the application or as objections, are passed to Mid Suffolk District Council who, as Planning Authority, will make use of these comments in their determination of the application. 

You can search for Planning Applications and Appeals by keyword, application reference, postcode or by a single line of an address by using this link.

Contact: Any Parish Councillor or the Clerk, Mrs Blackburn

Public Footpaths

The Parish Council oversees the maintenance of the footpaths within the Parish of Earl Stonham.

Contact: Any Parish Councillor or the Clerk, Mrs Blackburn

Parish Property

The Parish Council provides and maintains dog waste bins, litter bins, notice boards, benches and street lights.

Contact: Any Parish Councillor or the Clerk, Mrs Blackburn

Highways and Lighting

The Parish Council oversees highways matters such as the need for road repairs, signposting, street lights and the supply of electricity for street lighting.

Contact: Any Parish Councillor or the Clerk, Mrs Blackburn

Earl Stonham Recorder – Contact: Cllr Turner

Village Hall – Contact: Cllr Gillett

Police / Public Protection – Contact: Any Parish Councillor or the Clerk, Mrs Blackburn

Transport / Road Safety – Contact: Any Parish Councillor or the Clerk, Mrs Blackburn

Parish Communications – Contact: Cllr Turner


Meetings are held in Earl Stonham Village Hall, starting at 7:30pm. Members of the Public are welcome to attend.  Future meeting dates are as follows:

Monday, 4th September 2023

Monday, 6th November 2023

Monday, 8th January 2024

Monday, 4th March 2024


Minutes will be published here after approval at the following meeting. The agenda and minutes of all meetings together with supporting documents (including reports if produced) can be accessed via the relevant section heading on this page. Each link downloads and opens a Pdf copy of the document in a new window. You can save the document from that window.

To contact the Parish Council, please send a message to the Parish Clerk using this link.